vrijdag 28 oktober 2011

Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 5

Yes Yes people, Minecraft 1.9 prerelease 5 is out! This new prerelease brings some new features and bug fixes.

One of the new features is the new 3th person view. You can now view your character in a front view. It's quite awesome.

Another cool update is the leveling system. If the experience bar reaches it's limit, you will gain a new level and this will be also be displayed on your screen, which was not been displayed in the previous prerelease.

Also something realy handy, is the ability to turn off clouds. This can be very handy while building on high places, making giant pixel art, ... 

Unlike the previous prerelease, the cool Swamp water color has been removed and has been changed.

 The Swamp water is now completely dark in stead of the dark shores.
 Pretty sad because I realy liked it!

Hope Notch puts it back in the final version.

Unlikely the world generates are realy bad, they suck! Minecraft looks more like a junk dump with all those open stone places and random blocks.

Probably this is only in the prereleases so I hope it will be fixed.

The chickens now lay more eggs at once.
So chicken farms will be more effective by now.

Unfortunately there is still no sign of "Ender Dragons", but in the previous prerelease you can get some class files to spawn them and see them. Enderdragon Blog

And last but not least, one more block is added to the game. The "Endstone". These blocks can be farmed in "The End", already seen in Minecraft Prerelease 1.9.4,  but now you can farm and use it.


features :

-  Leveling system
-  New view modes
-  Clouds can now be turned off
-  Swamp water changed
-  Chickens lay more eggs
-  Endstone added to the game

Blog by Mathys

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